ISO Certifications

Environmental care as goal for the Company:
what does it mean for Cartiera Cama and Cartiera Marchigiana?

Cartiera Cama and Cartiera Marchigiana both attained the environmental Certification according to the ISO 14001 standard 

Cartiera Cama

Simbolo certificazione ISO 50001 - Energy Management System di Cartiera Cama Cartiera Marchigiana
Click to download
Simbolo certificazione ISO 50001 - Energy Management System di Cartiera Cama Cartiera Marchigiana
Click to download

Cartiera Marchigiana

Marchio della certificazione RINA - ISO 14001
Click to download
Marchio della certificazione RINA - ISO 50001
Click to download

This goal has been achieved thanks to the common certainty that a positive handling of the environment contributes to guarantee the furtherance of the success of our Companies.

In fact, for both Companies, since some years, the environmental care takes on priority importance:

  • For the production development
  • In the purchase area
  • In the production
  • In the procurement process
  • In the waste disposal process

Now, thanks to the achievement of the Certification according to ISO 14001 standards, our production plants are able to conduct the environmental care activities in a systematic way, with exact measurements which are documented through periodic audits by a third party qualified organism.

By the implementation of the Environmental Management System according to the ISO 14001 standards, our mills confirm their effort towards the environmental care and workers health.

We are sure that the efforts and resources we have invested in the virtuous management of this system will allow us to achieve the excellence of our performances also in the environmental field.

mani unite per prendere cura di una terra eco-sostenibile simboleggia l'impegno dell'azienda verso la sostenibilità