
BVSE announces April conference details

Paper recycling organization will convene April 1 in Bonn, Germany.

By Brian Taylor, Senior Editor

Published February 27, 2025

German organization Bundesverband Sekundaerrohstoffe und Entsorgung e.V. (BVSE) has announced the program it will present at its 27th International Recovered Paper Conference 2025, which will take place April 1 in Bonn, Germany.

BVSE has chosen “International recovered paper markets, global trends and regulatory developments” as its conference theme, and the organization anticipates its 2025 event will bring together about 500 experts and decision-makers from the entire value chain.

Three speakers and panelists at the event will focus on regional aspects of the global paper recycling sector on three continents.

Hans van de Nes of the Brussels-based European Recovered Paper Association (ERPA) will focus on the European market with a presentation titled “Walled off by law?”

Kelly McNamara, a Canadian analyst with Numera Analytics, will provide insight into the North American recovered paper market in a presentation titled “Trends, trade and turmoil.”